Christine Dastrup honored with AmeriCorps Seniors Service Award

Christine Dastrup is an outstanding volunteer for Sevier County and is very deserving of the Utah Senior Corps Service Award. Christine has been part of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) for over 17 years. She is a very caring, hardworking, and dedicated volunteer.

Christine is an asset to the RSVP and Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) programs. She is a member of the RSVP Recognition Committee which helps to plan, organize, and set up for the recognition event each year. She also helps with the registration table and volunteer check in for the event. She has been part of the VITA program for as long as it has been established in the Six County Region. For the past 10 years, Christine has brought her expertise of tax preparation and her kind personality to the VITA program. When she first started helping with the VITA program shw was not very familiar with computers – she now excels with them with the tax program. Christine always says “to heck with computers, give me a tractor.” She has farm land she owns and manages with her husband and son.

Christine also volunteers with the Sevier County CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) and has served in the past on the Citizen Corps Council Committee. She has also volunteered with Ashman Elementary as a tutor, as well as with the Boy Scouts program for over 30 years teaching survival techniques and overall preparedness. Christine is also very active in her church and continues to volunteer with several different opportunities within her community of faith.

We would like to thank Christine for her outstanding volunteer service in the community! She is very deserving of this award!

Nomination language provided by Shara Bastian, Program Director with Six County RSVP.

RSVP is one of the largest volunteer networks in the nation for people 55 and over. RSVP volunteers use the skills and talents they’ve learned over the years, or develop new ones while serving in a variety of volunteer activities in their community.  These opportunities may include delivering home-delivered meals, tutoring and mentoring youth, renovating homes, preparing for and responding to natural disasters, and protecting the environment.  Volunteer commitments range from a few hours to 40 hours per week.