March, 2022
Art Manzanares was honored with the Utah AmeriCorps Seniors Service Award in March of 2022 for his service as an AmeriCorps Seniors volunteer with Weber Human Services’ Senior Companion Program. Program Director Heidi Wade submitted the following nomination about Art’s outstanding service:
“Art Manzanares works hard to serve our clients, overcoming his own disabilities to bring joy back into the lives of his fellow seniors. On March 15th, 2022 Art began his day visiting his client like any other day. As he was chatting with the gentleman in the front room of the home, the client’s daughter was fixing breakfast for the wife of the client in the kitchen. Suddenly, the daughter cried out, ‘Help! Art, help!’ Art hurried to the kitchen to find the wife choking on her food. He immediately sprang into action and started giving the woman the Heimlich maneuver and pounding on her back while the daughter called 911. He continued alternating between the Heimlich and pounding on her back as the woman turned blue. Right before she lost consciousness, Art was able to dislodge the food and save her life. When EMS arrived, the woman had regained consciousness and was breathing easily again. Art is brave and kind. This situation proved that not only does he bring joy back into the lives of his clients, but he actually brought a client’s loved one back to life!”
Now more than ever seniors are in need of a friend. They long for someone to talk to, engage in their favorite hobby with, and even help them get groceries. If you are looking to make a difference in the life of a senior in our community, considering join us in the Senior Companion Program.
Senior Companions are independent people over the age of 55 who are looking to add some purpose to their days and are willing to reach out to their fellow seniors who are in need of someone’s help and time. They dedicate compassionate service in making a difference and making a friend at the same time.
As a member of our program there is also a small hourly (tax exempt) stipend as well as meal and mileage reimbursement to help offset the costs of volunteering.
Learn more about becoming an AmeriCorps Seniors volunteer here, and if you are in northern Utah, be sure to check out opportunities to serve with Weber Human Services!