policy and Procedural links

UServeUtah Program Director Manual (Updated August 2024)
AmeriCorps Manage Your Grant Website
AmeriCorps Terms and Conditions by Grant Year (And other resources)
Code of Federal Regulations
 - 2 CFR Part 200 (Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards)
 - CFR Part 2205 (Implementation of and Exemptions to 2 CFR)
 - CFR Part 2540 (General Administrative Provisions)

requests for reimbursement (RFR)

RFRs and Progress Reports are due quarterly. They are due on or before the 20th of January, April, July, and October. When submitting an RFR, there are four documents that should be submitted. These documents are the RFR Spreadsheet (either monthly or quarterly depending on the program), Financial Income Report, RFR Reconciliation Spreadsheet, and a detailed program ledger.
RFR Tutorial
RFR Example Ledger
RFR Tips and Processes
RFR Income Report Tab Instructions
RFR Ledger and Income Report Template
RFR Required Items Examples
Education Award Only Grant Workbook
Fixed Amount Grant Workbook
Education Award Grant Funding Drawdown Guidelines
Fixed Amount Grant Funding Drawdown Guidelines and Policy

National service criminal history checks

National Service Criminal History Checks (NSCHC) is a baseline screening requirement established by law to protect the beneficiaries of national service.
NSCHC is required under the National and Community Service Act of 1990, as amended by the Serve America Act (SAA). The statutory requirement at 42 U.S.C. § 12645g is supplemented by regulatory requirements at 45 CFR §2540.200 through §2540.207 as well as the terms and conditions of AmeriCorps grants.

Quick Links

NSCHC Guidance

volunteer recognition

UServeUtah encourages AmeriCorps members to nominate the outstanding volunteers they recruit for the Lt. Governor’s Volunteer Recognition Certificate.
Lt. Governor’s Volunteer Recognition Certificate

ASN Training Resources 

Grant Closeout Documents

Forms for Cost Reimbursement Grants
3/1 Certification of Sub-Grant Closeout Form
Federal Standard Form 269A

Forms for Fixed Amount Grants
Fixed Award Certification Form

All sub-grantees are required to submit a final project report. Please see the Grant Closeout section in the program directors manual for details.

additional forms and documents