Honored Volunteers – September 2021

Congratulations to recipients of the Lt. Governor’s Volunteer Recognition Certificate in September of 2021. The contributions made by these volunteers make lasting impacts on communities across our state.

Valerie Yoder was recognized by the Ruff Haven Crisis Sheltering for a year of service.

Valerie was one of our organization’s first volunteers. She serves in all areas of Ruff Haven and has been instrumental in our success. Valerie serves as our Community Engagement Coordinator. She assists us with our data, software implementation, volunteering in our cat room, and fosters multiple cats for our clients. She also completes client intakes and discharges. She strongly believes in our mission and shares a passion for serving pet owners in our community. Her skills and knowledge have contributed to Ruff Haven receiving it’s first large grant. We are very grateful for her service.

To nominate an outstanding volunteer visit userve.utah.gov/recognize