September, 2021
Jan joined the Foster Grandparent Program of Salt Lake County, Aging and Adult Services in August of 2012. She has faithfully served over 9871 hours at South Valley School, a school that serves students with special needs. She helps students maximize their independence and success as they prepare to transition from the school environment to the communities surrounding us. They emphasize decision making, community access, work skills and opportunities, public transportation and independent living skills, to name a few. She is kind and patient and loves working with this special group of students. She has been known to help them with schoolwork, planning activities and helping implement them, and supporting them in the community as they learn life and work skills.
She is working with a new teacher this year and the teacher said she would not know what to do without Jan. She has a special bond with the students, and they really respond to her and are willing to wait to work specifically with Grandma Jan.
Here is a sampling of what school staff have said over the years:
“I can’t express how amazing Jan is overall. She is kind but firm when needed, caring helpful and patient, funny and so very helpful in the classroom. She has a good sense of humor and gets along well with everyone. Jan is the person who gives a student that extra attention to read or count money etc. Just that little extra time and effort towards a student makes a huge difference. Thank You!”
“Jan is exceptional! She is such an asset to the classroom and loved by all. She really helps the students with one-on-one assistance and gives them the extra attention to be more successful. She adds a great balance and calmness to the classroom. The students love and respect Jan and wait in order to work with her.”
Congratulations, Jan, and thank you for serving!
Help guide students to higher academic achievement. Care for premature infants or children with disabilities. Mentor troubled teenagers and young mothers. The Foster Grandparent program connects role models like you with young people with exceptional needs.
Enrich your life while enriching the lives of others. AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers who serve with in the Foster Grandparent program provide the kind of comfort and love that sets a child on a path to a successful future. AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers themselves report better health and longevity having served their community.