Earth Day 2020

April, 2020

Find a way to serve on & around Earth Day! Remember, community engagement isn’t only direct service! Advocacy, activism, philanthropy, policy, and social entrepreneurship are great ways to get involved too! Here are a few ideas of how to get involved from the Earth Day Network:

  1. Make Your Own Act of Green: make a pledge to take personal action for the planet!
  2. Learn how to make a pollinator garden
  3. End Plastic Pollution: pledge to reduce your use of plastic! Access resources to organize an event or host a teach-in!
  4. Earth Day Tips: check out 52 tips provided by the Earth Day Network on how to go green, protect the earth, and make every day earth day!
  5. Meatless Mondays: reduce your footprint by eating less meat! Try out meatless Mondays!

Support local environmental organizations! These organizations are working to preserve and protect lands and habitats in Utah: