Meet Commissioner Alan Griffin

The Utah Commission on Service and Volunteerism (UServeUtah) is an active board of commissioners appointed by the governor to support volunteerism in Utah.

Alan Griffin served on the commission from 2005-2008 and has been a current commission member since 2016. He represents the Utah State Board of Education and is a dedicated family man – he has 11 children and 28 grandchildren!

Let’s get to know him a little better!

Q: What is your earliest memory of service or volunteering?

A: Helping dig out neighbors along a flooded stream as a teenager on a Sunday when church was dismissed.

Q: What service/volunteering experience has impacted you?

A: When friends and neighbors helped us when our home was flooded (twice), then when we had a fire, and when my son was run over in a parade. Their willing service inspired me to be involved to help others in my community.

Q: If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning the gold medal in?

A: Animal care/Gardening

Q: What movie title best describes your life?

A: Won’t you be my neighbor?

Q: If you could join any past or current music group, which would you join?

A: Top Secret Drum Corps

Q: What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation?

A: Storytelling to children with Puppets (those 28 grandchildren are lucky!)

We are honored to have Alan serving on our commission. You can learn more about our full commission here.